Saturday, August 31, 2013

A plan for blogging my memoirs

I used
to come up with a plan. In the "Input" stage I realised that there are a lot of unknowns -- how much time I will have for example will vary depending the time spent preparing the house for sale and house hunting. Another factor is my inability to spell or type accurately. I may have to use my laptop to draft postings and upload them later.

I will be posting articles here for one month and then review what I have. I  will use the iPod app to draft and post. I will have to proof read and revise before I post as a result.

Topics: software, teaching, comics, systems, mathematics, research, science fiction, quotations, ... Plus thoughts on the blogging process itself -- meta. Must include formats like link lists, "how tos", "best practices", and FAQs...

Retired -- but how to write my memoirs?